When you are decorating your kids’ room or nursery, you will soon realize choosing kids’ art isn’t as easy as you thought. There are so many diverse options to choose from and it can be overwhelming.
Here are a few options to help you choose what best fits.
Go bold.
Choose an artwork that has an emotional touch to it as it will help your kid to embrace them as well. Try a 30″ x 40″ print with a natural raw wood frame; make sure to secure them properly.
Don’t go for too-baby-attached works.
Keep in mind your baby will be a child before you know it, and you don’t want to have to buy artwork when your kid is ready for a bigger room.
Try not to go too theme based.
When choosing nursery art, instead of thinking of a particular theme, it is best to pick art that coordinates well together. They don’t have to be by the same artist, but all of the prints should look cohesive if you were to place them all on the floor together. The problem with choosing artwork for one particular theme is that it can get old very fast.
Here is another quick tip: don’t forget the closet. Closet shelves are great for displaying prints.
Think outside the box.